Egyptian Food

Food Wars


Food in Egypt today is cheap and resembles food from other Middle Eastern countries. Today there are restaurants that people can sit and dine at. Today the bread is made from yeast and is less grtty because of where it is made. Besara is still made the same way and is still a popular food in Egypt. Egypt is a more fluent and successfull food processor today than it was in ancient Egypt. Although Egypt is more successfull it does have a bigger advantage because it learns recipes and ways of cooking from different countries. 


Food in Egypt was very different compared to today. Egyptologists believe that the even the poor ate well and very few starved. There were no restaurants for people to sit and dine at. They had to eat at their own homes and were not served upon like today. There were up to 15 different kinds of bread in the Old Kingdom and nearly 40 in the New Kingdom. All were baked from wheat, barley, or corn. The bread was shaped in a number of different ways like oval, round, twisted, concave, and sometimes in the shape of animals like a crocodile. The crocodile was known to bring good luck. Grains and pulse were popular and are still are today. Besara is a wholesome broad bean puree made by boiling skinned dried broad beans, mashing them into a smooth thick paste, then adding spices and herbs like cumin, dry and green coriander, salt, and parley.